We are currently operating from a waitlist for cat intake
It’s not going to be easy for you to find a rescue to take in an animal and we highly recommend that you reach out to your network of friends, family, work colleagues to see if they can help either by adopting the animal themselves or by caring for it until help can be found . Larger organisations like the RSPCA, AWL NSW, Sydney Cats & Dogs Home and The Cat Protection League have more space, money and paid staff but smaller rescues like SAFE have limited space & resources and are run by volunteers with little money.
We receive many enquiries to take in both privately owned cats and cats & kittens found on the street. To put it simply the demand is too great to be met.
If you need us to take a cat the best we can do is put you on a waiting list in the hope that space will open up and your turn will come. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee a place especially if your need is immediate. If you find a healthy looking cat in the street it is probably owned by someone nearby or being fed by your community. If you see cruelty to animals please say something to your council. We can all do our best to contribute to the solution of urban strays by arranging to have all cats desexed. You may be able to access low cost desexing in your area and you may be able to help feed the urban strays in your community. Check out The National Desexing Network https://ndn.org.au/ Don’t just hand the problem to a rescue – if you care be part of the solution!
If you need to surrender your cat or have found and cat and/or kittens that you cannot help, please choose cat/kitten and continue to fill out the form below
We deal with less enquiries from owners who need to surrender their pets, however as we don’t have premises to keep dogs our ability to take them depends on us finding a foster carer which means we are not able to take in dogs immediately.
If you need to surrender your dog please choose dog/puppy and continue to fill out the form below.